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Hot Pixels’ online photography courses

In this day and age of digital advancement, we don’t even need to leave the house any more to sharpen up our photography skills! Hot Pixels is a Nelson-based company offering a range of online photography courses for photographers to explore.

16 December 2016

In this day and age of digital advancement, we don’t even need to leave the house any more to sharpen up our photography skills! Hot Pixels is a Nelson-based company offering a range of online photography courses for photographers to explore.

Courses include:

  • The Art of Composition: improve your photos in five hours

  • Compact Camera Course: understand your camera in 30 minutes

  • Discover Your DSLR: say goodbye to auto mode, for good

These courses feature high-definition video-based training, complemented with printable worksheets, quizzes, and well-designed PDF guides. Rather than the old talking-head style of teaching, digital animations of the camera’s workings are included, with illustrations and sample photos to clearly explain key topics, such as the exposure triangle, and depth of field.

The courses are led by qualified tutor Ray Salisbury, who caters for different learning styles by collating quality teaching practices from dozens of photographers worldwide and packaging them into streamlined solutions that suit anyone’s desired study style. Salisbury’s background includes training in photography and graphics and he has also spent 12 years teaching art and design.

Each module has exercises to complete that reinforce learning with practical application, and a range of quizzes test your memory recall. There is also a Facebook community that provides additional support, while the tutor is available for individual instruction via Skype.
To find out more about the online courses, head over to to get started.