Five years on: photographers capture Christchurch

On Monday, February 22 — five years to the day since the devastating Christchurch earthquake hit — photographers from the NZIPP gathered in Canterbury to document what the city is like today.

22 February 2016

On Monday, February 22 — five years to the day since the devastating Christchurch earthquake hit — photographers, including both NZIPP and non-NZIPP photographers, gathered in Canterbury to document what the city is like today.

Kim Hamblin was one of the photographers who took part in this event, and she explained that the group of photographers wanted to capture the city five years on from the exact time that the quake hit, as well as the hours either side, showing the new story of the city.

“This is not a city of bricks and mortar and broken roads, of crumpled houses and shattered lives — this is also a city regaining her purpose. Christchurch is a city of hope, showing that even when the worst happens, the best things can come of it. We are a city of people who worked together to help each other and who are now collectively rebuilding the city and all the lives within it,” Hamblin explains.

Photographers who participated in the event,  to name just a few, included Tony Stewart, Bryan Isbister, Shar Devine, Marg Shaw, Kate Christie, Paul Willyams, Juliette Capaldi, Doug Richardson, and Jenna Young.

The photos in the gallery below showcase Christchurch as it is today — the people, the landscape, and the hope and strength that this city maintains.

“I hope that our images can show our region as more than road cones and red zones – rather that we can be an inspiration. We are a city of newness and exciting opportunity and of course a fierce Cantabrian Spirit.”