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Dispelling the myths that hold photographers back

Setting out to put to rest the perception that selfies, smartphones, ‘shoot and burners’, and DIY photographers are making times tough for professional photographers is Duo Photography’s Adrian De la Fuente

17 March 2016

Setting out to put to rest the perception that selfies, smartphones, ‘shoot and burners’, and DIY photographers are making times tough for professional photographers is Duo Photography’s Adrian De la Fuente. He also aims to quash the perception that it takes years of training to become a successful professional photographer.

A professional photographer himself, De la Fuente believes that these perceptions are myths that prevent people from earning a good living in photography. To dispel those myths, he has set up New Zealand’s first mobile-studio franchise — based on his Duo Photography business, which has five studios and has been operating successfully in Wellington for over 10 years.

“Most professional photographers are good at what they do, but not so good at business and marketing,” he observed. “This is what stops many photographers from achieving their full potential as professionals. I set Duo Photography Franchising up to turn this around with a smart brand and proven systems.”

The franchise is all about allowing a way into the industry for aspiring professional photographers, and with the company’s support and guidance, he says it can provide a perfect stepping stone or long-term career opportunity for a photographer.

As well as business and marketing systems, Duo Photography offers a full training programme, and ongoing support and photographic and business training.

“Our current photographers come from a wide variety of non-photography backgrounds,” De la Fuente said. “We’ve found that we can teach people to be successful photographers and entrepreneurs. All they need is a passion for creativity, people skills, and a willingness to learn. Our training and support are the key to the rest.”  

For more information about the company, and how to get involved, head to