It’s a time of year that we always look forward to here in the D-Photo office — the Auckland Festival of Photography, this year to be held over June 2–24. The programme was announced on Monday, April 11, and we’ve been scouring the exhibition list and organizing our planners to make sure we get to as many exhibitions as possible.
This year’s festival has the theme of Home, and the Silo 6 exhibition will this year feature the works of Ian Strange, Shan Turner-Carroll, Anna Carey, Lin + Lam, Arthur Ou, and Sim Chi Yin. A brief walk away from Silo 6, in Silo Park itself, the works of James Voller will be on display, and then spread throughout Auckland (right from Matakana through to Papakura), there will be a huge array of satellite exhibitions that you will need to get yourself along to.

The Keeper
Not only is there a vast array of exhibitions for you to explore during the month — with some exhibitions even carrying on through July and later — but there’s also a very interactive element making a welcome return to this year’s festival: the Nikon Auckland Photo Day!
This year the 24-hour photo day will be held on June 11, and photographers are invited to shoot a photo on that day and submit it to the competition. Something that’s never been done before, and will be an exciting element of this year’s festival, is all of the winners from the 11 years of the photo day will be exhibited at The Cloud in Auckland from June 18–24.
Auckland Festival of Photography’s Participation Director, Julia Durkin, says, “Auckland Photo Day is the longest-running photography competition in the region, and we are delighted to continue this 24-hour event with Nikon on board. Like our Fringe programme, the ‘people’s competition’ reflects a commitment to photography as something everyone can relate to and take part in, as a creative and personal means of expression.”
This year, the organizers are adding in a new element to the competition, which will be the inclusion of a moving-image prize for the best short film, video, time-lapse, or multimedia entry.

Conor Clark
Check out the calendar of the festival here. Tell us in the comments below which of the exhibitions you are entering into your diary!