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Budding young photographers — Auckland Zoo can help you

The Auckland Zoo offers a young photographers workshop for kids between 10 and 14 years of age.

16 June 2016

Is there a 10–14-year-old child in your life who is always picking up your camera and experimenting? Perhaps they have a camera of their own and love taking photographs of animals, people, or nature, but just aren’t quite confident with what the settings on their camera do, or how to compose a picture to bring to life what they see in their head.

The Auckland Zoo offers a young photographers workshop for kids between 10 and 14 years of age. They’ll spend the day with a zoo photography tutor who will take them around the zoo, sharing great stories about the animals, and even taking them for a special close-up meeting with one of the animals. By the end of the day, the kids will have an entire Auckland Zoo portfolio of images to reflect on, and build their skills upon.

All that’s needed is a digital camera (any type is fine, but one with creative mode or scene mode is recommended), a fully charged battery, the camera manual, a charger, and any other accessories that the kids may wish to bring.

There are two upcoming workshops on Tuesday, July 12 and Wednesday, July 20 from 9.30am–2.30pm — but you’ve got to be quick as there are only 10 spaces per workshop. The workshop costs $95 per person, but if you book more than one child you’ll save 10 per cent. For more information, or to book now, visit