In the October–November 2016 issue of D-Photo, we discuss the uprising of photo books and the profession of bookbinding with The Binding Studio’s Louise James. Check out our quickfire interview with the bookbinder below before you grab yourself a copy of the magazine!
Flush-mount album
D-Photo: Most memorable project?
Louise James: 650,000 hours. In 2014 I worked on this project with Gabrielle Amodeo. She was my assistant at the time, and that winter we made 65 A4 hand-sewn books to bring a long-term idea of hers to life. It was memorable for the idea itself, as well as the amount of time each process took to make a complete book.
What are you working on right now?
There are always multiple things being made in the studio — at the moment I’m most excited about some complex boxes I am making for a client in Japan to hold crystal trophies.
e-book or physical book?
I get the convenience of an e-book, but for me, physical book!
When reading physical books, perfect condition or the scruffier the better?
I’m somewhere in the middle. I like a perfect book, but it means it hasn’t been read much and I like the idea of other people having read and enjoyed the story before me.
Favorite book at the moment?
The Passage trilogy by Justin Cronin. Waiting to get started on the third book at the moment!
Best way to make a Monday fly by?
Monday mornings I usually write lists and get organized for the week. It tends to be my most organized day and so it flies by in a flash usually!
Prefer to work alone or with others?
Both! I work alone a lot, so I really appreciate it when I have an intern or assistant. It always helps to have someone to bounce off and get through large quantities of work. But when I’m working on the more complicated creations, the less distractions the better.
What’s on your desk at the moment?
Some A5 book kitsets, sample books, and handouts for a workshop I am teaching this week.
Pen or pencil?
Both. Pen (and a twink snail!) for measurements. Pencil for sketching 3D forms.
Best way to wind down after a busy day/week?
Usually just spending some time with my partner and a good meal, or a lil pilates to stretch out all that physical work from the day!
To find out more about Louise James’ job as a bookbinder, grab your copy of the October–November 2016 issue of D-Photo (Issue No. 74):