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Get published in D-Photo!

Do you have a shot you’re convinced needs to live in print?
Has a recent shoot taken you somewhere D-Photo-worthy? Share your photos and you could have your image published in our next issue!

17 October 2019

Do you have a shot you’re convinced needs to live in print?
Has a recent shoot taken you somewhere D-Photo-worthy? Share your photos and you could have your image published in our next issue!
Each issue, D-Photo publishes a gallery of our readers’ best images, called Your Shots. To have your photos considered, simply upload them to Facebook or Instagram with the hashtag #nzdphoto.

This image above comes from reader Alex Marshall, and was shot spontaneously while the photographer was biking back from another shoot in Wellington.
Looking to blur the motion with a slower capture, Alex guessed at the shutter speed and was fortunate enough to have just a single wave roll through before the skies opened up and he had to retreat with his gear to some place dry.
This shot was published in D-Photo 92, on sale now.