The 2019 Sigma D-Photo Amateur Photographer of the Year competition has received an amazing response, and is on track to be our biggest competition yet. The fact that so many of you have entered before even finding out what you’re in the running for — aside from the glory of being crowned the 2019 Amateur Photographer of the Year — is testament to the fact that our prize pool does not disappoint. We’ll be announcing the prizes shortly over at and on social media, but for now, we’d like to share some tips for your best chance of being in the running to win.
Enter as many images as you feel are worthy
One of the unique aspects of our competition is that we place no limit on the number of times each photographer can enter. As long as you don’t enter the same image in two categories, you can enter as many of your best photographs as you like. That said, the judges probably won’t look too kindly on your holiday snaps.
Consider your category
Probably the most frustrating thing that our judges come across is a photograph that is beautifully executed and clearly one of the front runners — if only it were in a different category! So, consider carefully whether that Creative entry might be better suited to the Still Life or Macro categories, and, if your landscape contains an awe-inspiring night sky, enter it in Astro! -
We don’t frown on Photoshop
We get a lot of queries about whether altered images are accepted — they are! Sometimes, you can achieve that perfect shot with your camera alone, but post-production plays a big role for most photographers. Having said that, use it cautiously if you’re not experienced, and use it appropriately — in some categories it is expected more than in others, such as Creative, or for creating that perfect Astro or Landscape composite.
Try a new category
Setting yourself the goal of capturing a portrait or a building when you’re used to taking nature pics can be a great way of expanding your skills. It’s also a great way to increase your chances of having your photo noticed; those new to a genre are often those most willing to break established ‘rules’ and unleash their creativity.
The competition is open until 11.59pm on Sunday, 23 June 2019. Find out more and enter your images at

We’ll be updating as prizes are announced, so keep checking back!