Would a hemp pinhole camera make it into your kit?

An eco-friendly pinhole camera is now available online! Italian company Compagnia-Imago have created a biodegradable pinhole camera made of thick hemp material. 


31 August 2016

The team at Italian company Compagnia-Imago have followed up their eco-friendly, biodegradable film canister, called Do You Wood Film, with their new product called Pinhole Canapa — a pinhole camera made from canapa (hemp). The camera is designed to be as environmentally friendly as possible, with the thick hemp material being entirely biodegradable, and the product design itself super simple.

Image: Kanèsis/Compagnia-Imago

A pinhole camera — lensless with a single small aperture — is basically a simple light box in which the image is projected through the small aperture onto photographic film. With long exposures — ranging from five seconds, several hours, or even a few months — pinhole photography has unique qualities such as an infinite depth of field and everything within the frame is in focus. Check out our video of a day in the life of pinhole photographer Justin Quinnell to experience pinhole photography for yourself!

Pinhole Canapa comes ready with three focal lengths (35mm, 50mm, and 85mm), two formats (normal, 24×36 and square, 24×24) and two stenopeic holes (0.2mm and 0.3mm). The camera also features a simple magnetic shutter and an interesting design feature that allows you to increase your shoot number simply by rotating the body of the camera.

You can find Pinhole Canapa on the Kanèsis Kickstarter project. Follow the Kickstarter campaign here!