Kauri dieback disease is relatively recent, but it threatens what nature has spent up to 2000 years creating. Photographer Michelle Hyslop noticed that while most people are aware of the basic science behind the disease — that a fungus-like pathogen spread by the transfer of soil is causing kauri trees to die — people weren’t really talking about the social impacts of the loss of kauri trees and the track closures that have been enforced in an effort to stymie the spread of the pathogen.
Michelle embarked on The Untold Stories of Kauri Dieback, a photography project documenting those fighting to save kauri as well as how kauri dieback has impacted local communities across the North Island. We get the full story from Michelle about her project in D-Photo issue 90, but for a glimpse into the project, click through to watch an interview with the photographer.

See the feature in D-Photo issue 90