In D-Photo 92 we bring you the latest announcements around the South Island’s biggest annual photographic get together, the 2019 PSNZ Southern Regional Convention. Stephanie Forrester APSNZ from the Southland Photographic Society, this year’s host club, outlines further what attendees can expect from this year’s event.

Stephanie Forrester APSNZ, Maple Glen
The Southland Photographic Society, who are the organising club for the 2019 PSNZ Southern Regional Convention and photographic exhibition is a growing club with around 75 members. It is now commonplace to welcome new members at each meeting. The convention is being held at Hansen Hall which is part of the SIT campus in central Invercargill.
The convention planning committee has chosen to feature members from several camera clubs as speakers at the PSNZ Southern Regional convention. As chair of the convention organising committee I acknowledge the depth of talent that lies within individual camera clubs around New Zealand and we have tapped into those resources around our area for our speakers.
We firmly believe that there is no better way to inspire club members who may be attending their first PSNZ regional convention than to hear from photographers like themselves who have “come up through the ranks” of a camera club.
Jane Trotter APSNZ: Her work invites a sense of mystery, wonder and intrigue as she takes everyday items from around her home and creates works of art through the medium of photography.
Jo Boyd APSNZ: Earlier this year Jo Boyd and Val Poiho spent ten weeks travelling from Southern California to Ushuaia and we believe this really epitomises the convention theme of “Photography on the Move”. Jo is a member of the Queenstown camera club.
Kevin Tyree APSNZ: A very popular and entertaining speaker and Southland Photographic Society club member, Kevin will focus on travel photography as he talks about his trip to India in 2018 in search of the endangered Bengal tiger.
James Reardon: James received an Emmy nomination for cinematography in 2004. He will speak on his work as a conservationist, zoologist, wildlife cinematographer and film maker.
The convention is also being supported by Olympus, who is bringing its product and education specialist, Aaron Harivel, over from Sydney to both speak and run workshops. Aaron has a passion for all things photographic and is known for his light painting
Field trips will go to places like the 65 hectare private garden Maple Glen which will be resplendent in its spring colours. Maple glen has a myriad of ponds and associated plantings creating wonderful reflections on a still day as well as a huge range of mature trees, shrubs and perennial plants. One of the exciting features in spring is the beautiful bluebell area where mature trees have been under-planted with bluebells and is a photographers dream in spring. I visited twice in the space of ten days in 2018 and was rewarded with the mass flowering in this area.
Another popular field trip is to Motorcycle Mecca in the centre of Invercargill, just a stone’s throw from the convention venue. Classic Motorcycle Mecca includes solo, sidecar and even three wheeled automobiles and machinery from 1902 upwards. Over 60 manufacturers are represented (with some really astounding restorations) including a 1902 Peugeot Motorcycle to a 21st Century Simms Corbin Custom. You will find brands such as AJS, Ariel, BMW, Brough Superior, Harley Davidson, Henderson, Indian, Matchless and Rudge as well as little known brands such as Schwinn and Zundapp. A two wheel and photographers dream location.
The convention is open to all interested photographers, you do not have to be a member of a camera club to attend.
Be sure to pick up D-Photo 92 for more info on the hottest photography events around the country.

See it in D-Photo issue 92, on sale now.