White Lynx Photography lessons: capture emotions
Specializing in light, White Lynx Photography is an Auckland-based professional photography studio with an array of lessons available for photographers
Specializing in light, White Lynx Photography is an Auckland-based professional photography studio with an array of lessons available for photographers
The Canon Eyecon competition is an annual opportunity for young, emerging photographers and film-makers to showcase their talents to a professional and established judging panel.
An aspect that we may take for granted when we’re watching beautiful curated films and videos is the audio side of things.
In this day and age of digital advancement, we don’t even need to leave the house any more to sharpen up our photography skills! Hot Pixels is a Nelson-based company offering a range of online photography courses for photographers to explore.
After a busy and expensive silly season, who doesn’t love a bit of extra cash back in their pocket? Well, for all of you that have been eyeing up a new Fujifilm digital camera or lens, today is the day to go ahead and treat yourself — you’ve earned it.
Whitecliffe College of Arts & Design has announced that they will be providing a new three year Bachelor of Fine Arts degree, with a one-year Bachelor of Fine Arts (Honours) to follow up, commencing in 2017.
The third round of the Momento Your Moments competition is now open for entries!
We spoke to Morghana Godwin, designer and photographer with charity fundraiser Light Up The Holidays, about the concept and shooting in low light to capture the magical effects of Christmas lights.
Subscribe to D-Photo and be in to win a Nikon D3400 DSLR camera, worth $800.
The winners of round two of the Momento Your Moments competition have been selected!
The Whangarei camera obscura team have done it! Their crowdfunding efforts to raise $25,000 came to fruition on November 23.
The second round of the Momento Your Moments competition is now open for entries!
The creation of Photival marks Wellington’s first photography festival in over a decade, and this one aims to use the
The annual photo competition run by Auckland Camera Centre saw this year’s judges hunt out the top wildlife, landscape, and street-photography shots — and what stunning work they unearthed, as you can see from the quality of the winning images!
If you’ve grabbed the December–January issue of D-Photo magazine (Issue No. 75), you would have discovered the 2017 D-Photo calendar
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